Snake Charming as a Way of Life

Snake Charming as a Way of Life

Snake charming as a way of life: we all love a challenge

The fella in the photo and his brother-charmer in this video have chosen a way of life that has some familiar features:

In recent weeks I’ve reluctantly taken a break from writing to do some snake-charming. I’ve been preparing final book files to go to Ingram, the distributor for Barnes and Noble and many other booksellers, and Amazon (familiar to us all) for the upcoming ebook and print versions of Reboot of the Moon.

Creating a clean ebook document for use on Kindle and other ebook readers isn’t hard. Just a lot of rules. But turning a Microsoft Word document into the tidy, pretty pages of a print book, with jumbo capital letters at the start of a chapter (that stay put) and proper headers and footers, and no book-formatting booboos — that’s a little like playing music to snakes, convincing them to dance for you without biting.

Luckily, all the files are almost finished.

It’s not easy juggling lobsters

We all have our challenges, right? Each one is demanding enough, no question. No one’s life is without steep climbs, cliff-hangers and hair-raising episodes, and they’re very real.

Let’s all give the world another few weeks of our usual heroism, whatever snakes we need to charm, with some good stories as getaways between one performance and the next.

Coming soon: Reboot of the Moon

Reboot of the Moon will be released June 1st, as it turns out. You will be able to advance purchase by about May 21. I hope you enjoy each one of these twenty stories, which have been specially designed so you can do exactly that.

May 15, 2023
Jan Stephens
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Jan Stephens
