About the Author

J.K. Stephens is author of fantasy and science fiction novels and stories, including The Ibis Door, The Singer, and In the Ring, which have earned worldwide readership, and the short-story collections The Emperor’s Golden Carp and Reboot of the Moon.

A rich family history, and a few family members who were fond of recounting it, were the beginning of her love of stories and her lifetime wish to honor the dreams, heroisms, fatal flaws and struggles that are the real face of mankind. She began by listening, and then couldn’t help writing. When she found that the cherished illusions of her characters and the creations of their imaginations often bloomed more vividly and rose higher than the ordinary features of their lives, the characters became the subjects of fantasy and science fiction stories.

A fan of funny movies, dancing, long walks and bike rides, the author is as fond of mountains as beaches, and travels at any opportunity — not only to gather ideas for further writing, but also just to enjoy the remarkable people, places, foods and dreams that make the world the way it is.

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Adventure, reality, fantasy and magic

“It was hard to stop reading! I enjoyed this book tremendously.” JH
“Vivid and detailed fantasy…” DB
“I loved this story. It was a perfect read.” CGH
“A great story with a perfect ending!” VS
“I’m a fan of Kurt Vonnegut and Phillip K. Dick, and find these stories to be in the same league, or perhaps in a league of
their own.” MG